Youngsters nowsaday, so naive. Just as I was writing about the rain and stuff, I just realized the parallels to something that has been on my heart for quite some time... So pardon me while this metalhead goes on a headbanging rant about the state of society today.
A typical sunny day, with birds chirping, grass growing and all, is like the bubblegum pop pop/punk and all stuff that reeeks of hilarity, delusion and deodorant. Nothing against music with a positive message, or even happy music.( I listen to Melody Club sometimes for goodness sake) BUT, it disgusts me that anorexic girls singing about 1) how they got laid last prom, 2) how they wanna get laid the next prom 3) how they hate the guy that you know, got them laid , or 4) how after being laid they're 'truly finding myself', and 'it's all me now. Me against the world." can make it to the top of MUSIC charts worldwide! Ok for those power/bar chord whores, aka punk pop bands it's the reverse. Without getting into details they usually sing about what they're gonna do at the 'rock show' to some random girl.*hint hint cough cough wheeze wheeze *
Find, I may be stereotyping, and 3/4 of Singaporean teens are probably up in arms, but that's how it goes. Your teletubbies sunnyday type of music does not interest me. Your so called portrayal of heartache and brokeness is as pigeon holed as well, a pigeon's hole. And you still try to force your commercialised crap down our throats, and whoanelly the sad thing is that we're buying it.. God save us and our orificies...
So all the critics can come out now from under your respective rocks and say "GUSH! Here's the guy that likes METAL trying to teach us about music!Ahhhh"*dies suddenly*. Well kiddos, you forgot that I'm in band right? haha and please la, Not all Metal's "kill kill carnage carnage arrghhhh angry angry fee fye fo fum!!" In fact, the type of metal that I enjoy(melodic death, prog and symphonic) takes more technical ability and prowess to play than all your blink182sum41twothreefivethreefive35 bands combined. And I must reiterate, I'm biased, and provocative, so forgive the repeated jibes at poor music. ;)
Anyway, it might interest the general public to know that all the top names in Metal have been Classically trained and possess an extremely superior grasp of their instruments.
In fact, I dare say that the closest genre to having the pure emotion and majesty of classical music is metal. Which is why neo-classical metal and symphonic metal acts like Nightwish are such wonders to hear. Just ask Simin and Hafiz! Haha. And why I like metal, is because that it really encapsulates the passion for music that only musicians would feel. And it expresses all of life's emotions and tulmults, like Rain. Not just the happy and rosy bits, but everything. I do admit that some Metal's incredulously bad, and annoying. However the good part of metal seeks to express, and be honest. Why is metal considered "a rebel's music"? It's because metallers do not care about how much cds they sell, how many teenage girls are gonna put up their posters on their bedroom walls, or whatever. Rather it's the music, and the message that drives them to play their instruments.
And I'm not talking bout rubbish acts like Slayer or Dimmu Borgir, or even Darkthrone and other bands that think gloryfying Satan means you're cool. Gush you're even worse than Britney friggin Spears.
Wth? Positive metal? How about all those scary names like Death Metal and Doom Metal? *shudders* Well my friends, those are just subgenres. Type of style. I mean, Bubblegum Pop does not really leave you with a pink mess on your face, Surf Rock is not just about wakeboarding Australians, and Hip Hop ain't about jumping from one leg to the other! Man I could go on forever.
Hahah being a metalhead does not mean, however that I don't listen to other types of good music. I'm in band for goodness sake. Other non-metal stuff that I do listen to, just fyi so that you're not surprised when you don't hear distortion coming outta my headphones *ahem minhui* (: I love Creed, but now that they're not together anymore, and I don't really like the new Alterbridge singer, ah well. Oh and recently I've started on a U2/Oasis alt. rock kinda thing..haha Bono and Gallagher = Musical wizadry.
Anyway, I've turned this social commentaray into a selection of fvourite bands, hahah so dear Singaporean teenager or whoever that's reading this and getting heart seizures, I guess I'll say adeiu for now. But do think about opening up your pop crusted ears and maybe try giving metal a chance. I'll be more than willing to set you on your way.
Tee hee hee; Tee tian lee
Woah haven't been here for a while, almost bumped my head on the door while strutting in . Anyway, I've noticed that I've lost the respect for titles of my entries, mainly because my template does not show them. Thus this entry is entitled simply "haha" since it does not really matter, and the next will probably be named "bacon sandwich" or something. Oh well.
It's raining now...
I love the rain.
Not THIS Rain.
Gush. But seriously, nothing can give you a sense of security more than being inside, safe and warm when the rain torrents outside. I remember when I was a kid how I would love thunderstorms when other kids would shun em. I used to put my face on the glass of the windows while lightning streaked outside. I vaugely recall my mom saying something about conductors of electricity but ah well.
And I don't know, something about the thunder when it roared excited me, almost akin to a challenge. But I was inside and he/she/it wasn't, thus I won. Childish it might be, but it gave me a sense of victory whenever the voice of the thunder grew hoarse, and subsided. And I love the sound of rain pummelling the ground, like a drum machine on good crack. Maybe that's where my inner rhythmnist(if there's even such a word) emerged from.
Basically I found solace in the rain, looking at my surroundings obscured by showers, vision blurred, and ultimately alone in this sad cold world. HAHAH the last sentence was for EmoEffect I jest. Let me paraphrase. To me the rain brings both Joy(this is for you yangy, hahaha) and angst. A sunny day's just that, sunny. It's fake. It screams " oh look at me I'm bright, orange and always wearing a smile on kiddie cartoons or a baby's face in teletubbies, so come out and play little children and i'll scorch you alive." I mean the rain's honest. It brings with it the trials of life in the form of lightning and thunder, and it admits it, albeit a little too loudly at times. A sunny day's cliche man. You think just because it's all bright means everything's peachy dandy?
Nah..welcome to the real world. Rain covers all sin, but does not make it appear that there's none.
Seperated At Birth : Our beloved SCP(sexycwarinetprayer) and Korean Mafia Boss Hong Keun Ho and ex Bradford City and current Wigan Atheletic Manager Paul Jewell... *drum roll*
OH and if anyone' still looking for band fest pics, here's an old link I recovered from Grace's site. Heh enjoy...
I awoke this wonderful monday (oxymoron) morning to be greeted online by brendan. Yes, ilovebrendandoyou brendan...
12/26/2005 11:09:16 AM
brendan] \ dreamship surprise says:
merries christmases
12/26/2005 11:09:29 AM
kens ` by the turnstile beckons a damsel fair says:
merries boxing days to yous toos!
12/26/2005 11:09:39 AM
brendan] \ dreamship surprise says:
oh yes boxings days
12/26/2005 11:09:44 AM
brendan] \ dreamship surprise says:
do you know where that word came from?
12/26/2005 11:09:44 AM
kens ` by the turnstile beckons a damsel fair says:
12/26/2005 11:09:47 AM
kens ` by the turnstile beckons a damsel fair says:
12/26/2005 11:09:50 AM
brendan] \ dreamship surprise says:
it's a pretty cool story
12/26/2005 11:09:57 AM
brendan] \ dreamship surprise says:
becuase in britain that was they day the BOXED their presents up
12/26/2005 11:09:58 AM
brendan] \ dreamship surprise says:
12/26/2005 11:10:01 AM
kens ` by the turnstile beckons a damsel fair says:
After finishing wiping the blood from the computer screen I deliberated and realized that hey this Christmas season has been pretty much about boxes. Square boxes, rectangular boxes, gift boxes, recievable boxes, you get the point. But first, operation update! (: (Well I guess since people have said that I looked like I've been boxed with those darned stiches on so I don't think I've gone off tangent yet..haha)
Ok so today's Monday, and I had my operation on Friday, which means that I've been rather irresponsible in the portrayal of an accurate reality, but ah well...
Walking into the National Skin Centre(i almost typed Cancer..!$%&^*@!) at noon on friday, I was quite eager to be honest, not in a state of trepidation at all. But still much thanks to the few people who gave me their support and stuff, coz although it wasn't some life and death operation, you really made my day. (: Anyway, I had to wait at the, erm waiting room for about half and hour because my dear doctor's having lunch.
At 12.45's everyone ready to get started. Oh but first in the waiting room there was this baby, no more than three. Apparently he was there to undergo an excision for this birth mark at the top of his face. Gush, imagine the confusion in that little un's mind, and the searing pain where the needle was submerged beneath pale pink skin. I mean, LA jabs are a piece of cake to us, but when a child is forced to go under the scapel involuntarily, how many of us think bout how the kid actually feels? And whether if he could express his thoughts he would decline the operation. Heh, I attribute this sudden moral and ethical thought to Jodi Picoult(thanks again Jiayi!) Yeah then soon after it was my turn to go into the theater...dendendendendendenden...
The nurse ( her name was kate) sat, or rather lied me down on the operating table. In a less than dreamy voice she said that the Doc would give me two LA jabs, and conduct the surgery in under an hour. Cool, hospital staff that keep to schedules. Haha. 5 min later Doc came in, smiled (a bit disturbingly) and proceeded to use a black felt to erm draw circles on my face, supposedly guiding him where to jab,slice and dice. The first injection was alright, at the bottom right of my face. I could feel the needle being inserted, and in no sado masochistic fashion, I tried to like the pain. Haha! Oh I remember when I took my first injection in pri 3. I remember the acjs nurses telling us to think of something that is close to your heart. Stress something, and not someone. Sigh nurses back then probably thought that at pri 3, you couldn't really be emotionally attached to anyone except Mommy and Billy the Blue Ranger. So I thought about my pet turtle. Hahah yep I did! and he got me past the jab . (:
Back to the present, and after remembering bout rememberin the turtle seven years ago, Doc came for the second jab. And wah crap this one hurt. It was slightly blelow the lip, and the bleddy Doc had to inject it twice in order for my mouth to have anasethetic as well. The pain was even more than a whole day's session of "What Colour What Colour". (ask band guys=D) It wasn't excruciating per se, but yeah it was kinda painful. And the op hasn't even started yet! Haha.
After the jab, Doc and Kate left to go get the tools or sth, and allowed the LA to work. Heh I think this is the first time getting LA, so mr. Operation Deprived over here went to pummel the site of injection for a bit, just to feel the numbing. Ahem. I apologize to those medical afficiendos, but yea it was fun..hehe not feeling pain for abit. Then came the actual operation. I knew I wasn't really gonna feel pain, but having someone scrape away at your face kinda perturbs you no? So they covered my face with this green cloth, except for strategically placed holes in it which they used to operate in. At first I didn't wanna close my eyes, as Mr Curious over here wanted to see the actual procedure. I couldn't of course, due to the obstructing sheet, but I did see the silouhette of the medical instruments dancing about my face. Kinda like those shadow images you do on walls. Or OHPs when you're bored.
To spare you any more gory details, it was over in about 45 min I think, and yea when they removed the cloth I could see bloodied scapels and stuff on the table nearby. Kinda leaves nothing to the imagination dosen't it :) Oh Oh( and I've been waiting for the whole entry for this) the Doc was uber funny, coz he left me in stiches! Hahahah! Ahem. *ducks rotton tomatoes* But yeah after the op he stiched me up with black thread, and before he put the dressing on I was like " Do you have any orange plasters and stuff?" One of the nurses had an expression that sorta went like
but the Doc was quite nice, and he carefully explained to me while calling security that they only have skinned coloured plasters and white ones. Gush. So I took the white one, went to the pharmacy to get the wire gauze and saline solution for my daily dressings for the next 5 days. Yep, I've been removing the plaster and dressing the wounds for the past few days..And it dosen't hurt much la, except for the one near my lip, because whenever I eat and talk I stretch it a tad bit. So yeah, I'm removing the stiches on Wed, not tues, so I'll still go to band all patched up..heh ya'll can see the new man on thurs.. The demolition is complete..
haha I can't wait.
Gush I'm feeling a tad exhausted from the surgery yesterday and the last minute christmas shopping marathon with mhafiz, yangy and daniel today, mostly from the latter.. hahah so I guess I'll write bout the operation tmr then..
(rhymes with poodles)
I tell my Saviour everything. I want Him to know every detail of my life that he already knew before I was born. From things to guiding my barber's scissors so I may have a decent haircut, to helping me pick the right Christmas presents for my loved ones, to the course of study in IB, I wanna entrust everything to Him. As a rather initiative compelled guy, sometimes I struggle just depending upon the Lord for my every need. But it's getting better, and the amazing part bout this is that the more you lean on Him, the more he guides you.
It's not superficial. You don't need to go to God during a major exam, when there's sickness in the family or when tommmorow's the releasing of 4D results. He's always been there for you since the day you were born. Hard to believe, but yeah it's pretty true. When you learn to entrust the things in your life to God, he picks up the burdens. :) And it's always the minor things that lead to the significant ones.Full dependence on Him's scary, but facing life's troubles on your own ain't exactly a walk in the park.Heh, so yeah , just wanna encourage you this Christmas to try to let go of your inhibitations and strong will and see what the Lord has in store for you once you learn to let go...because ultimately, and I feel that I should say this.. He loves you much more than you can ever imagine, and because He's willing to die for you, a complete stranger, nothing will ever seperate you from His love.
Sometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own - U2
Tough, you think you've got the stuff
You're telling me and anyone
You're hard enough
You don't have to put up a fight
You don't have to always be right
Let me take some of the punches
For you tonight
Listen to me now
I need to let you know
You don't have to go it alone
And it's you when I look in the mirror
And it's you when I don't pick up the phone
Sometimes you can't make it on your own
We fight all the time
You and I, that's alright
We're the same soul
I don't need,
I don't need to hear you say
That if we weren't so alike
You'd like me a whole lot more
I know that we don't talk
I'm sick of it all
Can you hear me when I sing
You're the reason I sing
You're the reason why the opera is in me
Well, hey now
Still got to let you know
A house doesn't make a home
Don't leave me here alone
ORD stands for Operationally Ready for Duty or something. Accuracy escapes me this moment but basically it means that you have completed NS and here's to a good life ahead, well until the army needs you again. haha
In the Band we have a similar practice. But it's called ROD if I remember correctly. Why we would want to name a farewell ceremony after a fishing instrument I have no idea, but in essence it's a time where we say our goodbyes and farwells to our leaving seniors, and when it's your turn, have gushing juniors throw flowers at your feet lamenting your passingby. Yeah right. Somehow I don't think that there'll be as much pining for your bandmates in Acsi than in acjc. Honestly. Oh and I think one reason for my incessitant attachment with the acjc band is that they remind me of my church youth, haha always fun to hang out with and talk bout anything. Well maybe the band peeps are a little more lax with their language than my church (hahah) but the idea's there.
Yep, and going to the acsi combined practice today made me know how much, besides the IB guys and the lovely photocopying machine, and maybe a few guys there, that I can afford to, and don't have any qualms about leaving behind. The mindless childish chatter during combined, the completely screwed up intonations, the "Shut up or down 50!" militarist bullshit and just the whole atmosphere in that room which reeks of hostility, oneupmanship and a band that is founded on elitism and results, and not on fellowship and passion. I think Daniel wrote something very very true on his site the other day and I'll quote it if I have the permission too . :)
"the difference between acsi and acjc bands - in acsi one is compelled by pragmatism, in acjc one is compelled by passion."- Dan the Man with a Tan
I agree with this much fully. Hahah yep, and when i ORDed or RODed or whatever, I was like yes, time to get out of this cesspool. But in the two months with acjc, I have gotten more attached to band than I have in the last two years, especially the last. Thus, I am saddened to leave, and I worry that I will lose my passion. Although passion is within, your surroundings posses a far reaching effect on your view of the band. Really, the one day I dread to come for band again, is the day which I lament the most.
After band practice there were a number of us jamming with our instruments. It's times like this where I enjoy playing the sax the most. However, I constantly berate myself for not being able to come up with the virtousoity that I desire, or great solos that I know I'm capable of. I'm inherently musical, but when I'm pushed into the spotlight, I can't get the groove on. (haha wtf)
As in I always gripe bout being in the right key and stuff. And I always hear the stuff in my head, but it can't come out through the bell. I worry that I'm in the wrong key, that I mess up the vibe from the rest of the quintent. or immaterial issues like that. Jian Wei gushes bout Zheng Hao and Darren's ability to play impromptu, and I concur. Haha I've learnt alot about improvisation the past 4 years I've been with them, and I see myself coming out of my shell now, a shell which binds you to the little black notes on your score, evidently paper, yet crushing. Having always relied on the cues from my score, and also because the Tenor Sax does not have ANY solos in 95% of band music, thus I feel my ability has been shackled. However, my new resolution, is to play music with my sax. I've brought back a Saxophone method book, and it's great. Has all the major, minor scales, arpeggios, solos and the ilk. I'm thinking I should practice , and eventually develop some confeedents to take on the big stage. heh
Ok so today may have been the final practice for me at acjc. May, I emphasize, but it all boils down to what Dr.Lee has to say, and whatever he says, I respect. Coz, and I don't think i've said this before, one of the people in life which I really admire and wish to emulates, is Dr. Lee Tian Tee. Having been with him for almost 5 years in the band, gotta give him respect. R E S P E C T S.
Haha I do believe this is one heck of a long entry, and I appreciate your patience in reading till this point. So i'll just end in saying , that even after this brief ORD (rod's for fishing..hehe geddit) and even more brief stay at Dover Close East, I won't forget anything.. And to Jian Wei, I'll miss you too. Must have either been the lettuce up your nose, or just a sudden burst of emotion that compelled you to say it out loud, and for that I can only give you respect.
Haha I'm sure I have said enough bout band, and ya'll must be tired of my whining, so yea, ORD time baby. and I'm Operationally ready too,hahah for tmr! Goodbye stupid blemishes!!!
The day after tommorow will be a significant day of my life. It will be a day of reckoning, a day where the heavens roar and blood pours and thunder bellows from the crimson streaked skies. It will be an hour where the people raise their fists to the clouds, tearing their robes and beating their chests.
Like King Kong.
hahahahahah ahem. but seriously, it'll be a day where life starts.
So what's gonna happen on Fri 23rd? :) I'll be saying my goodbyes. heh. Time to bid thee farewell. By the end of the day I would have lost something that has made me..well me. And for the next few days after, I won't be able to go for band, can't play my Saxophone. Because the pain of seperation stabs like a rust-edged blade.A pain..akin to that of an operation! hahahah what were ya'll thinkin eh??:)
okaay that sort of bordered on hysteria, but it's true..i'll be going for an operation on friday. Heh I've only told one person bout this so far, maybe because I'm kinda lazy to announce it? and probably because it's quite a sensitive issue for me. So i'll write it on this site(haha sho smart.) So yep, i'll be going to the National Skin Centre on friday for mole excision. <---- There I said it. In bold. Personally it's not something I'm particularly elated bout, because it sorta reminds me about my blemishes, but c'mon let's go do this.
So i've gotten used to it already, even after the teasing in pri sch and all, and to be honest, it dosen't really affect me much now? But still, when I look at the mirror, bypassing the hot guy staring back at me,*hahahah kidding la =D* I see the stupid solid ink drops on my face. And I think to myself, besides what a wonderful world, like if I didn't have these blemishes would I be more accepted in society? Or would I have more confeedents in myself? Or mumbo jumbo like that. Good friends of mine throughout the years have told me appearances don't matter, and I can testify to the fact that what's most important is the inside......BUT still I think this is a decision that I want to make. I did an excision around ten years ago for one, and I think only milton knows, coz I've known the cool dude for 12 years now.. and yea after that op I asked my mom starry eyed " Can we get rid of all now?" The doctor said "when you're fourteen.'' And I guess throughout the years it was a combination of me forgetting bout the op at 14, the doctor that was supposed to do the op becoming the late doctor that never did the op, or that I just got used to my face having those marks that cannot be wiped away.
Nevertheless, my mom found a doctor that would do the op for me. And so it goes. :) It's not a matter of vanity I jest, but I would like to find out myself if removing the blemishes on my face would help my self esteems. And I think I know the answer to that. Oh and if you think I should not go for the op, just tag and let me know (like it makes a difference.haha) OH before I forget, the op's just gonna be removin the two most unsightly ones at the bottom of my face. Yeah one cannot be too greedy. And yep I think that this is the correct decision. I mean, I'm a softie inside. and my apperance has in fact caused me frustration before. Not now, because I know that Jesus loves me, and thats what matters punks. hahahah nah but seriously, I'm just doing this because I feel it's about time.
Maybe with the removal of these two banes would signify a new start to life. And yeah, I guess this can be another Perfunctory Matter, an event which will kickstart my 17 year old life back into high fieldity.
Gush. I think I'm right. And i'm looking foward to the op, although I can't go for band for two weeks as the stiches have to heal, and triple tonguing may cause triple ruptures.
I think I'm right.
How about you?
oh oh oh and if you want mx you can come with me..
Coz it's buy 5 get one free!
I love group dinners, they let you forget things, and yet reminisce on others. Plus I simply adore one hour long bus rides, so put the two together and you pretty much get an idea of today.
Over at our table mHafiz and I were discussing religion. Haha actually it wasn't really a discussion, at least on my side. Neither was it a debate. Rather I just told him, and which I believe, Christianity's a relationship, not a religion. And theology's fine and dandy, but the basis of this relationship is Love, and that's what matters. So sue me. Gush. Then we started to talk bout career paths, haha it was pretty nice. He wants to be some pilot, Yangy an architect and moi a journalist. So envisage the year 2015, on some SIA plane...hahah
"This is your captian M.Hafiz speaking. Have some good flights."
That's when I, on the plane in transit to my workplace at the London Times (some confeedents) turn around to see mr. Yangy, some cool architect.
hahah [/lame vision] but yea, won't it be so cool to see your best friends in a decade or so? Naiveity is contagious. We'll probably never see each other again, but no harm wishing yea.
Just remembered that I was dedicating an entry to band (the dic dosen't count). And since 2005's about to end, might as well say some thanks ;)
to mhafiz and yangy, me thinks I have founds some new best friends..haha I remember the day I first stepped into lt 4, and I saw this mat dude playing flight of the bumblebee on his euphonium. heh and there was this ah beng who seemed very pissing off..hahah! I should have known better. : ) Thanks some guys(no homo). Oh and dudes like yuen soo,joel,brendan and hui khang also have made it one fun times. I've known jian wei and daniel since acsi so don't need to say hello again la...hahaha but yea we're one friggin cool gangs. :) I'll miss you all. (no homo x2)
Actually that pretty much goes out to the whole acjc band..I mean all you skeptics may think, oh he's goin all goo goo ga ga just because he's in an environment with girls, and he's getting all emotional..blah blah blah. well just go decompose or something. The fact that coming here has rejuvenated my band life, made me enjoy my music again should suffice. So like I think all the people irritated that I like practicing with acjc band, or even those that wants to neglect the IB band should just take a finger outta their ass and realize that next year, things will change. We'll have school. Commitments. Things that carry us onwards with life. So why not let's just make the best of what we have now, play your damn instruments, and make noise when I'm outta the building.
haha my bad, shouldn't have turned this into a mini rant. K anyways just know that ya'll have touched me in uniquely different ways, and I am blessed to have gotten to know some for the first time, and others better. It is an honour to share the same stage, dining table or relacing corner with you. And although it is my wish that I'll be able to talk, laugh and enjoy your presence again, it may not materialize again (bloody realist me), and if it dosen't... here's one for the road :) msg me for the song or something btw, because this is a beautiful ballad by one of the leading acts in the Dutch goth rock scene. haha.
Our Farewell - Within Temptation
In my hands
A legacy of memories
I can hear you say my name
I can almost see your smile
Feel the warmth of your embrace
But there is nothing but silence now
Around the one I loved
Is this our farewell?
Sweet darling you worry too much, my child
See the sadness in your eyes
You are not alone in life
Although you might think that you are
Never thought
This day would come so soon
We had no time to say goodbye
How can the world just carry on?
I feel so lost when you are not at my sight
But there's nothing but silence now
Around the one I loved
Is this our farewell?
Sweet darling you worry too much, my child
See the sadness in your eyes
You are not alone in life
Although you might think that you are
So sorry your world is tumbling down
I will watch you through these nights
Rest your head and go to sleep
Because my child, this is not our farewell.
This is not our farewell.
*some sniffs* :)
Currently writing my entries as one whole, then dividing it into parts. Dunno bout you, but I like reading blogs that are legible. Yep, mentioning the obvious, but there's so many damned blogs that can't be read due to 1) gaudy colours. 2)big ass picture with dark overtones covering the whole blog 3) bADZ uSAgE OrF caPitalzZ NdS dA likEz 4) all of the above. So yea, i'm splitting entries into threes. some trilogy! This one's all bout "P". the letter pee. Not excretions from your urinary tract. So after The Promise, comes
Perfunctory Matters
A new beginning begets some fresh thoughts. Thus I thought that a personal update would be welcomed. I should have done this first, but I chose to write a band dictionary instead. Haha! love the dictionary though. So I was looking at my first post on this site, and a strange wave of age just rose up from within me. It's not that long time ago, but it seems like a different me. So angsty, wanting to prove something, trying to swim against the current like a pregnant salmon. See i've always loved writing, and that has been expressed ad infinitum already, but the blogs I've experienced were all bitch fests. Thus I wanted to be the "smart and intellectual blog on the net, for all your daily head growing needs" and bs like that. You can't change the world. I've come to realize that. heh. So what if your site is intellectual and spouts political commentary, religious studies and all? If its a pretense just to be different, then what's the point? Not saying that I don't like philosophizing, commenting on social issues and the like, but if the basis of starting a writing pad is to appear higherthanthou, then that's the wrong motive.
Thus and henceforth, I write because I love to write. Be it so that I may talk about any issue close to my hut, erm heart. No pretense. Just present tense.
Now I find myself trying to define my life even further. Educational options, Career paths et al , I see myself trying to take ownership of the peripheral and major reins of my life. For instance, I was at Marina Mandarin the other day, and I saw this live band at the chillout lounge there. Oh and btw the lounge was so so nice. they had orange sofas. Nuff said. Haha I'm gonna bring some girl there someday man. Anyway, the bad consisted of 2 violins, a piano and double bass. Instinct went "dammit they need a sax", A sax. not some sex. Ahem. K then and only this year would have the thought of "I wonder if they'd hire me in a year or two" flashed through my mind. And I don't believe it was coincidence that I kept envisioning myself playing alongside them, earning cash and stuff. And I say in a year or two coz a) i'll be legal for the after party drinks (hehehe) and b) I'm gonna have some hardcore sax practice this period of time. Time to go beyond band music. heh. And besides playing in a chillout band like that, I have entertained myself with many visions of careers in different industries, something I wouldn't have done at the start of this year.
With regards to education, I'm currently unsure of what to expect. IB stands for I BELIEVE i guess, coz you need more faith than a black preacher man to not worry about the state of affairs next year. Haven't heard from CEOng yet, and although I'm sure the teachers are undergoing rigorous training now to develop us into, what was that again Scholars Leaders and Global Citizens, the building ain't built yet. And as far as I'm concerned, that pretty much characterizes the state of affairs right now. Also, just how many new students will there be next year?I don't really care bout the size of the female cohort or whatever, but my major gripe with IB is that it has promised so much, yet delivered so little. To be fair, I Believe (har har) that the IB will be a success, and that I have not made the wrong decision with my education.
But until then, to the good people @ Acsi,please give my fellow guinea pigs some confeedents that I won't be walking into one of the manholes that I'd have mistaken for a classroom next year.
and to end my entry, an emo look at mr kenneth lim with his sax. my my. aren't we looking serious today. :)
Ok so I went to watch The Promise today, and while trying to contain and supress any jokes about the titular (I Promise!), I feel that it was one of the shows that gives you that boundless feeling, transcending time and space, awashed with amazing landscape, and more vast than your mind can comprehend. Cinematography's brillant, but still second to Lord of the Rings of course. And the plot wasn't half bad! Gush I know it got panned by the critics, and the lines were a tad cheesey and sometimes outta place, but you've gotta take into account the setting and all.
Man! This would win ANY film festival, but take it into GV Plaza Sing, and you get random bengs and lians laughing when someone gets stabbed, and some dumb ass going "HUH?" when the movie seamlessly ends with an orchestral climax. Go do some para paras la. It was the one chinese movie that really bordered on the poetic, in terms of presentation and overall feel of the movie.
I was impressed by this film, so impressed that I forgot it was Chinese. Haha! But it was a tad heavy on the metaphorical i must admit. And it did suffer from not knowing when to be comedic or melancholic.( what's up with the golden finger?! ) But saying that, I would definitely watch it again, because thematically, the movie is flawless. I'm a sucker for those "beyond time and space blah blah blah parallel universe one man one mission back to the future" kinda stuff, and like The Promise really keeps its promise(damn!!) in making you think bout stuff like the future consequences of present vows, or unrequited love, that kinda thing..haha
Mmmm yep so I came out of the theater pleased and satisfied, intellectually, emotionally and testosteronely because the Promise delivered in being an epic journey to answer life's philosophical queries, yet not failing in the mindless battle scenes and stuff. Damn gotta love that kinda stuff. And the music wasn't half bad. Milton said it was the POTC composer or sth? ah but yea, great cast,(Snow Wolf for the Oscar,Golden Horse, Silver Spoon whatever) lovely settings, and a more than paper thin plot, which is kinda rare now. So screw the critics and the unknowing imbeciles, YOU make the decision! Go watch the show with an open mind and heart. Or get your money back.
I promise.
As mentioned this entry's solely dedicated to Band. What's with the bad grammar you might ask? Welll, before I go further, here's a little dictionary to help the uninitiated get used to the AC Band Vocabulary. This might take up an entire entry. Eeek.
Kenneth's AC Band Dictionary - Spicks Wells, Plays Wells.™
1) Guuush - noun
An expression used to relay joy, shock, disappointment or other extreme emotions. Originated from ancient times, by Emperor Lee of the Tien Dynasty.
EG: "Hey did you know that the AC Band got Gold wit Honours in the SYF?" "Really?! Guuush!"
2) Some - conjunction
A conjunction employed to enhance a sentence or phrase. See example for origin. Used to emphasize thoughts or feelings. May be interchangable with the word VERY.
EG: " Hi can I have some whopper please?" "How many?" "SOME!"
or, " Guuush! This passage of the piece is some difficults!"
3)Confeedents - noun
Term describing immense self belief. A localized(malay) misspelling of the common word confidence. Synonymns include : self esteems, some faiths and self assurance.
Eg: "Guuush you're phishing alone at some band fests?Some Confeedents!"
4) Phish , Phishing - noun, verb
Noun used to describe a desirable person or object, usually a member of the fairer sex. Verb, the act of getting to know that desirable entity, by whatever means.
Eg: " Hey where would Hafiz go to phish?" " Anniewhere."*hahah*
5) Aiieeesh - Expression; slang
Form of Onomatopaeia, used to express deep hurt, grief or just emptiness brought about the lack of companionship, sanity or phishes.
Eg: "Today marks the end of band camp. So empty. Aiieeesh!!"
6) Whek - expression
Term to describe a form of elation, success and other random happy or mischievous emotions. Originated from M Hafiz Hanafia, aka Mhafizh. True meaning unknown.
Eg: " Hey guys Dr.Lee just struck 4Ds and he's treating us to Crystals Jades!" "WHEK!"
7) S -
An imperative part of basic and advanced AC Band communication. Linking words, phrases and sentences together, it is the defining characteristic of AC Band Spicks. May be used together with other vocabulary words or by itself. Usually put at the end of each word to create familarity and camraderie.
Eg: " Heys. I some loves the AC bands. Aiiesssh! Donts wannas leaves. Guuushes! I'll misses everyones."
Credits :
Writer : - ken.
Honourary members of the AC Band Vocabulary Committee :
Some Kian Hwee
Some Yuen Soo
Some Hanafia
Some Meng Mew
Some Cheng Suan
Some Jit Pew
Some See Kong
Some Emperor Lees.
Dear Internet,
It's nice to see you again. This white pallet, ready to be stained with my thoughts and whatnots. It's quite funny that you brought me back here again. Well not just you, but you're my major muse to start writing again. I last wrote here in May, seven months ago, two months to another baby being born. But is this golb a rebirth? Nah, it's an awakening. The difference? Well seeing my previous entries, I'm reminded of the stuff I've been going through the past year. Some funny, some sad, some just dumb. It's time I grow up don't ya think Mr. IE(i for ibrow, e for ediot.)? But the cool thing is that I've awaken.
I'm currently at another junction in my life, 16 goin on 17, moving into pre university dom. Hmmm maybe i'll save the autobiography for a later entry. Yes i'm full of entries now, thanks to my muse(s).
Damn, writing's in da blood. yo. Yep, that's a muse. The sheer passion for the pen or keyboard. Give a man a fish and you'll feed him for a while. Give a man a pen and he can express his hunger. HAHA just thought of that. :) Yea, and my inner journalist has expressed his need to exercise.
Got a muse, and was amused by the blogs of goood friends. Especially band peeps' blogs. Most especially Jiayi's. haha! it's really good, and like I told her, it's like reading a novel. I'm gushing now. So like I gave her this old link of mine, and whoanelly she thought my writing wasn't half bad, and when I asked if I should start writing again, she said :"
hahhaa. yes yes! omg. yes.!" :)) And the inner journalist was overjoyed. So yea here's to you my muse.
And speaking of GUSHING, the past two months have probably been the best of my band life. I'll explain it in the next entry, solely dedicated to band. I can't resist not speaking like a band geek, so " GUUSH, some exciteds to writes bouts some bands. Coz bands givens of the to mes some confeedence. Wheek!!!"
Will explain further soon. hahaha you must be kenfused mr. interent.
so yea, I guess it's about time I said hello to you again, and here's to a great journey down life's random roads, and even though I don't know what the future my bring, I'll most probably be writing it down.