Monday, July 31, 2006

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Ever since I first saw a poster of Lady In The Water at the new Cathay Cineplex I was rather captivated and intrigued by the whole symphony of water plants, skulls and rabid wolves which seemed eerily serene in the midst of the blue and white overtones. It was something straight out of a Within Temptation album and the fact that M Night Shymalan wrote it dosen't do it any injustice.

I'm not sure why I really really want to watch this movie even though it has been panned by critics, but there's just this inexplicable feeling you get that tells you it can't be that bad. Fine the whole bedtime story thing may cause an eventual anticlimax but seriously, this movie enchants for a lack of a better word. The plot sounds promising, fantastical and containing that typical Shyamalan sense of foreboding and dread which I actually look forward to.

And did I mention the poster is the essence of chilling goodness?

And should the fact that all I've been doing while the rest of the level is whining about EEIOPCASETCETC online is writing movie previews and comic book commentaries worry me a tad?

Delivered at 11:29 PM;

Sunday, July 30, 2006

I love Marvel Comics for the sheer depth and breadth of its Universe (and the parallel ones) and its with all my geek bravado that I admit I'm a comic buff with a total of zero comics in his collection, maybe a couple of the Infinity Gauntlet series but the geek-o-metre has soared above acceptable limits already so elaboration isn't necessary.

Anyway Spiderman 3 is coming out next summer. And I am so thrilled it's not even funny. Nah not really. There can be only one publication to movie that rules em all and it's Lord of the Rings so I'm not expecting Spidey 3 to be whoanelly amazing, but..but.. there's

V E N O M. (gushes)

Fine, I'm not gonna keep people's(mine included) hopes up because the only thing that the trailer shows is Spidey in his symbiote suit, and the guy from the 70's show as Eddie Brock, but do they mean that we'll see an appearance of Venom? Hollywood knows. bleah

The point is that I think Venom was the first villian I actually didn't mind taking out Spiderman. Hahah really! The guy's cool. he got webzzzz and muskels.

aiya just watch the trailer la.
Delivered at 11:08 PM;

Thursday, July 27, 2006

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Delivered at 10:40 PM;

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

You know Ben, I am Sian.
Why are you Sian?
I'll tell you.

I try to cook but got burn by frying pan
MRT door tu tu tu nearly kena my hand
All the girls that I know say only see me as friend
Now the lift at my block just break down again

I wake up in the morning and I dunno who I am
I am sian
I am not happy I am not sad, but I sure know where I'm at
I am sian
Just walking down the street and I dunno what to eat
I am sian
Every second every minute every hour every day
I am sian
How did I get so sian

Got a job interview but got hole in my pants
Go see show but the fellow in front damn tall can?
My PC kena virus and the toilet flush spoil
My brand new handphone kenah drop in cooking oil

ahhhhhhh I'm so frus! (X4)

Sunny in the morning and it's raining in the night
I am sian
The weather cannot change and neither can my life
I am sian
I am talkin to myself cos theres really no one else
I am sian
I may think I have a choice but i really have no voice
I am sian
How did I get so sian?
Delivered at 9:24 PM;

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

I must admit, that sometime in the future, near or not so near, a dormant streak of anger inside me might just reveal itself and will probably insinuate me to do something or say something that I will regret, if only for the consequences possibly metted out by either authorities or other entities. I might get into a fight, sadly, or other forms of conflict. Not that I condone this behaviour Being angry dosen't help you.I guess the crux of the matter is that I don't like mincing my words, or giving people face. Which is bad. Ir is it? Reacting angrily to circumstance is not a virtue. Sometimes you should just pause and simmer, and smell the roses while you're at it Yes, I do agree. But which is the lesser of two evils ? Bottling up and suppressing your emotions till you implode or letting the contents spill out in torrents? Restraint or Open Rage? Should I mince my words? Short fuses aren't cool, but keep a lid on hurt and eruption seems the inevitable.

why do you always get so worked up?

Guess there's only one way to find out.
Delivered at 10:23 PM;

Sunday, July 23, 2006

I am quite impressed with the quality of the columns in the Sunday Times and Lifestyle of late. I'm not complaining that I don't just read the comics and the food interviews at the back of the paper anymore, but actually spend time to read between the erm, lines. It's quite funny really, that I envisage myself writing columns and articles for publications in the future that I don't really wanna read and appreciate another journalist's work at the expense of an inferiority complex or the reverse. I realize now, however that there are indeed those who walk among us that know how to spin a story or tell an experience without appearing corny, lamb, over enthusiastic, self pitiful or a potent and pungent mix of the above, for instance Sylvia Toh Paik Choo, goddess of Singapore journalism. I mean, whoever calls her column Paik Chaik has got to be presented with some accolades no? haha . If I ever have my own column, I'm gonna call it Lim Peh as a tribute to her, or maybe Kani... Nah,better not. =)

I wish that, in lieu of all the spick goot engrish campaigns and stuff, that the writings of today's yoof may be less narrow-minded and conformists, that people would write because they want to, not because they have to. I miss creative writing in the sense, that you get marks for an examination by lettting your imagination go off tangent. WOW! Ahem. The sad thing is that ed yoo kay shun has effectively taken the creative out of the writing. And it stems right from primary school, with the antichrist being an abomination called Model Compositions. I've known poor souls that memorize the entire frickin compo just to regurgitate that slimy mess out onto a piece of writing paper during the examination itself! Fool's Cap indeed! Breh hell, think what, Science ah?

I guess it is not fair to assume that everyone likes expressing their feelings through writing. Some like intepretive dances. But I dare say that writing, be it brogging, composing a song, poetry or anything else does something therapeutic for you, much akin to yoga and Yo Yo Ma. People should write because they feel like it, hence I think the reason why ed yoo kay shun forcing creative (isn't that an oxymoron) writing on youth nowsaday will only kill any vestige of interest that Peter and Jane developed in them when they were wee kids. Maybe some like reading more than writing, but I think they come in tandem.. ah well.

This post has been somewhat inspired by Stevie Ng and his soliloquy on how "I'm a jock but I can appreciate Shakespeare" during English the other day. Granted, Stevie, or Sir to the uninitated is a Jack of all trades. Bass, keyboards, tennis, lit, taking pictures in front of Angkor Wat, I've got respect for the man, man. And as we were analyzing Twelth Night, it just hit me that this year I've been so sensitized by lesser( I don't care, it is) literature such as Singaporean poetry(possible oxymoron) that the sheer vastness and majesty of the Bard has escaped me, or rather I am unable to comprehend, in an appreciative sense the extent that good ol' Will has made the English language a tool in which he conveyed timeless themes with sheer genius.

Thus, it is my wish that we, the citizens of Singapore may learn to appreciate the finer works in life(or death,his) rather than just keep content with a literary mindset only tuned to the ilk of Model Compositions. Surely there's more to the English language than getting an A for some gahmen examination right?

and btw, Orsino si beh cheeko. tsk.
Delivered at 8:15 PM;

Monday, July 17, 2006

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So I went down to Baybeats yesterday and the day before, and the company was great, oh yes indeed, but the standard of music or rather the image of local music feels like its wrist has been slit since I last visited. For one, there seemed to be a lack of anything from the musical spectrum apart from punk/emo bands. Where were the hard rock acts like Kate of Kale and Love Me Butch (fine they were there but I missed their act, missed A Vacant Affair too.sheesh) for the machiam headbangers like me and the toned down, acoustic alt sets like Copeland for the rest of the people? A Punk/Emo overload leaves a severe cloying sensation in your mouth, something like peanut butter and chewing gum. Together! Ugh. And speaking of delectables, where the heeeooowlll was WildDogs? The best hotdogs this side of heaven?! Grilled Oniony goodness?! Gone, just like the true alternative spirit of Baybeats.
Makes you wanna cry eh? *nudge nudge wink wink*

Saturday was a severe letdown. The first band I saw, together with Liow and Michelle was this band from KL with a singer that resembled Sheikh Haikel, I think... His voice was above average I guess, just that sounding like the rest of the 1251515161768 vocalist on punk parade dosen't do anything to your above averageness does it. Went to catch whatchamacall it Fading Sunset or something after that at the Chirrout stage. Wasn't bad, I loved some of the falsettos and mallet effects but it was , sigh, normer lah. Soon left with Liow to go for supper at Newton"Chai Tao Kway, Gor Kor! Chai Poh Juay Juay!" and yeah, bleaghhh.

Yesterday was somewhat more entertaining, and I say entertaining, not musically enriching. Maybe coz BLT brought his huge ass camera and got a pic or two out of the floundering masses *ahem above*, did random podcast crap, took a picture with Electrico, Sean got them to sign his sweaty shirt, I got the standing space next to Amanda Ling *dies* and kena recognized by some lady from the Sunday Times with reference made to my shady past in the media industry. I can't wait for the pics. But the music, ah well..

I didn't go to baybeats for Electrico, may I attest to with fervour and intensity. I was hoping for a headbanging rock-out like last year, but to be honest that didn't happen this time. Electrico was alright, so they added a few more cuss words here and there, but I guess that stirred up the nationalistic fervour of the crowd. haha. The things that'd make a Singaporean feel patriotic... Before that Concave Scream were actually decent, first use of the double-pedal since forever, and I don't know but I actually remember their last song- Rewired, and truth be told, enjoyed it.

I have a sudden craving to use the word machiam, so I didn't care much about the machiam female singer led bands like Astreal and Lunarin, so Lele, Darren Chew and moi ran to the Swissotel to beat like 448572696 tourists to a cab before midnight surcharge hell came.

We got blinded by the neon bru lights on the wheels of a rickshaw which was blasting tehno beats.

From beats to beats, I'm beat.

cya later.
Delivered at 9:59 PM;

why is it that you hold on to the things you held on to while doing things the way you do in a way that tells me that we are moving on?
Delivered at 9:06 PM;

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Move on, be brave, dont weep at my grave.
Because I am no longer here.
But please never let
Your memory of me disappear.

If I die tomorrow, Id be alright because I believe, that after were gone, the spirit carries on...

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Delivered at 1:33 AM;

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Dear Dave Hall, Rob Jones, Carlo Raffo, Ian Chambers and Dave Gray,

Salutations and greetings. Just an IB Higher Level Business and Management student dropping by to say thanks for the ride, and having me study for the final paper of my common test the day where the world celebrates and the skies become a deeper shade of azure and become crearer. The fact that I finish my exams only tommorow when I've already left my heart in Cathay Cineleisure and Sakae Sushi from days past notwithstanding, I am glad that tommorow's two or so case studies will leave a generally positive impact on my business career. After all, it's just business innit? So take care, continue to write more Business Studies texts, and in the words of a real apprentice of Business if I might say so myself,

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money money money money money.....mah nehhh.
Delivered at 11:40 PM;

Sunday, July 09, 2006

A Lysosome is a membranous sac containing digestive enzymes produced by the rough Endoplasmic Reticulum and the Golgi Apparatus. Lysosomes are beautiful things, with a few beautiful functions :

Fusing with food vacuoles, allowing the digestive enzymes to work on them..for energy. How passionate.

Engulfing and destryoing parts of damaged organelles to allow the construction of new organelles without affecting the rest. How thoughtful.

Playing a vital role in embryotic development, destroying the cells of the webbing of the fingers of human embryos. How encouraging.

Some day, when I grow up...I want to be a Lysosome. May God bless my bio exam and my life thereafter.
Delivered at 12:42 AM;

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Don't you just love those songs that describe great places where everyone escapes to, where the sun shines warmer and the water cascades gently around your feet, where there's love and peace, and well no common tests. Songs like Boston and California come to mind, but just too bad they're all in America, uncannily just like all other delusions of grandeur.

"I think I'll go to Bishan...think I'll start a new life"

not really ah.
Delivered at 10:18 PM;

We watched a video today for TOK, depicting the last moments of the passengers of Flight 93, the fourth plane in 9/11 destined to crash into Capitol Building or the White House if not for the actions of the passengers. It was kinda poignant I feel, and although I'm not one to dwell on the past, you can imagine how much of a shock 9/11 was to the Americans... Basically it caused alot of people to question God's existence, discredit Him altogether or just start to go to church more often... Something to just think about I guess, puts your life in perspective a little doesn't it.

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Walls are closing
Channel surfing

Burning City
Smoke and fire
Planes we're certain
Faith inspired

No clues
A complete surprise
Who'll be coming home tonight

Heads all turning
Towards the sky
Towers crumble
Heroes die

Who would wish this on our people
And proclaim that His will be done
Scriptures they heed have misled them
All praise their Sacrificed Sons
All praise their Sacrificed Sons

Teach them
What to think and feel
Your ways
So enlightening
Words they preach
I can't relate
If God's true Love
Are acts of Hate

Who would wish this on our people
And proclaim that His will be done
Scriptures they heed have misled them
All praise their Sacrificed Sons
All praise their Sacrificed Sons

God on High
Our mistakes
Will mankind be extinct?
There's no time, time to waste
Who serves the truth
For Heavens' sake
Delivered at 12:31 AM;

Monday, July 03, 2006

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Good luck for life, boys
Delivered at 10:44 PM;

Sunday, July 02, 2006

I am somewhat glad that as I course through this life I am able to learn a few things, if only a few things. And due to my somewhat intentional but not necessarily successful immersion in dastardly activities such as math and bio, I don't really feel compelled to use flowery language and stuff, unless it's a dicotyledon ya know?....holy shit.

Anyway, I think I'm aging before my very eyes. It's a surreal, astral kind of feering. I can't recall when I had these moments in my life where I go , " damn, this is part of my learning experience in rife." Sure there are many "this is one for the grandkids" moments, but it's quite cool that you are conscious that what you are going through right now is a preperation for the future. Kinda like mock exams. Just not. Oh but damn I'm tired. I could only stay awake till 70 mins of Brazil vs France last night...ugh breh hell. And keeping with the random nature (chloroplasts!mesophyll!) of this post, I chanced upon this song by Rascal Flatts that Liow sent me a while back.

Getting up, getting dressed
Living with this regret
But I know if I could do it over
I would trade, give away
All the words that I saved in my heart
That I left unspoken

What hurts the most
Is being so close
And having so much to say
And watching you walk away
And never knowing
What could have been
And not seeing that loving you
Is what I was trying to do

*cue wry smile*. But it's alright, think things turned out the best way they could if I may say, just wanted to post the lyrics of the song,'s kinda cool. Ah stoopid teenager reasoning, but yea. So I guess you learn some, you learn to learn to learn some, but I'm just glad I did. (:

The library in Bugis, el infamous Lee Kong *small lockerZ* Chien has a lovely study lounge on level 5 that has been making itself my second home in the last two weeks of the holidays. Well in a way I regret not going to Sydney for a couple of reasons, the first being, well duh - Opera House. And the second's the awesome Australian International Music Festival T-shirt that they gave out. hmph. I swear I'm gonna stock up Tshirts from baybeats man...oh and by the way the lineup looks pretty good (: whee. But see if I went down under I wouldn't have found the Holy Grail of mugging, and seeing that I have wandered across many plains and traversed countless boundaries and still not being able to sit down for more than two hours and MUG, it's quite worth it in the long haul I guess. AND, it does make my Marvel sessions on saturday evenings with the gang a lot more guilt-free as I see it as reward for 5 hours of studying.. tee hee hee. And the best part, is they have a Sandwich Vending Machine. Pop in a note, press da button, and whoanelly in 90seconds out pops a Piping Hawt toasted sandwich wrapped with paper. Briss.

Commentating the Youth Day soccer thingum was another guilty pleasure if I might add. Much rove to Andy 'Ali' Gray and the Councir who once again have shown that they put the laughter, in manslaughter, and looking at what they have planned for hairchecks and stuff, makes you wanna behave. In a good way. (: Things are looking on the up for IB, I believe.

Anyway unfortunately I have to bid thee adieu for a while as I go take a nap, because, I am damn tired. I'll try to keep up the facade that this site is actually well written another day...

haha night.
Delivered at 6:18 PM;

Name:Slumber Born:16th August for the passionate.marvel.gunners. Orange.debate. long bus rides armed with an eye and a pod.74. philosophizing.dystopia. coffee.Rove.Health.Famary. Buddies. writing.1984. expression.Italian food. journeys.teh-peng. stream of consciousness. witty play on words.musing. accents.the heartrands.performing. being a closet connossieur. a point of view.vigorous interaction with spherical objects. irony&pathos.yum. JS.spirit.a girl that would smile

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